Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Learn How to Manifest Your Desires with The Process of Creation

Learn how to manifest your desires from the inside-out and imagine every area of your life becoming a reflection of your deepest desires. The Process of Creation can help you to get there. The Process of Creation is a journey of personal and spiritual growth and has been designed to assist you in identifying and manifesting your deepest desires. While you can use The Process of Creation to learn how to manifest the desires of your personality, this process is really about going beyond the physical realm and into the spiritual, taking you beyond the surface of your desires and into the soul of your desires.

The POC was created in the awareness that when we take care of our inner needs our outer needs will also fall into place. Ultimately we realize that while material items bring us pleasure, it is the fulfillment of our soul’s desires that brings us the lasting happiness that we seek. When we live a life that is aligned with the desires of our soul we awaken to a deeper understanding of who we are at our core. As a result we are naturally in touch with the divine essence that lives within us and around us.

The Process of Creation is made up of 3 primary areas:

Part 1: Laying the Foundation

Learning how to manifest your desires with the Process of Creation starts with building and deepening ones Spiritual Foundation. This can mean different things to different people. Basically when we talk about Building a Strong Spiritual Foundation in the Process of Creation, we are referring to deepening our relationship with God or the divine energy that lives within us and around us. You can define this divine energy in a way that resonates with your beliefs. There are countless ways to build or deepen our Spiritual Foundation and how we do so may be different for each of us.

As we consciously build or deepen our Spiritual Foundation we nurture our relationship with God (divine energy) and by doing this, we also nurture the deepest part of ourselves. We become aware that just as we are surrounded and guided by divine love, we embody this spark of divinity within our very being as well. This leads us to a deeper understanding of who we are beyond our human form and awakens us to the longings of our soul and our desire to fulfill them.

Once we become aware of what these longings are, we can consciously partner with God to co-create a life that fulfills these desires; the desires of our soul. As we partner with God to co-create our life, it is important to strengthen our communication with this divine energy so that we may learn how to recognize, trust and follow this divine wisdom as it guides us towards and to the fulfillment of our soul’s desires. We can do this thru cultivating our intuition and by becoming aware of the many ways in which we receive divine guidance.

Part 2: Identify and Manifest Your Desires
The next step to learning how to manifest your desires? This manifesting process will help you to apply the Law of Attraction from a spiritual perspective, giving you the opportunity to identify and manifest the desires of your personality while making your soul desires a priority.

Part 3: Share your Good/Give Back

People who volunteer in ways that bring them joy know that as we give, we receive and the reverse is also true that as we receive, we give. How is it that we give when we receive? One example; when we receive (especially in a spirit of gratitude) we are giving another person (or the universe) an opportunity to share his/her joy. The circle of giving and receiving seems to be Spiritual Law. Celebrate your success as you learn how to manifest your desires and keep the energy flowing by sharing your joy! Use your life to make a difference by giving back in a way that makes your heart sing! Some examples: Acts of Kindness, Volunteer Work, Tithing.

While the Process of Creation helps you to learn how to manifest your desires, it is simply a guide and this process is not set in stone so add your own wisdom and tools to it, mold it and shape it to make it your own. Allow it to be a guide for your own expression of this work to be born within yourself. As this work becomes a part of who you are, you just may find yourself helping others who are seeking the deeper level of happiness that comes from living and manifesting from this place of “heart and soul”.

There is a reason that this is called The Process of Creation. After all, it is a process. This is not a “get rich quick” approach to manifesting your desires, this is about mining the sacred site of your soul to uncover the treasures that lie within so that you may allow them to manifest in the physical realm of your life. Take your time with this and be gentle on yourself. One baby step at a time adds up and before you know it, this process will become second nature…an extension of who you are...a way of life.

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