Friday, 24 February 2012

What Is The Law Of Attraction All About?

Just as the Law of Gravitation makes all bodies fall down on earth, in the thought world another powerful, yet less known law, the Law of Attraction, decrees that "like attracts like". In this period of history, more and more people have gained access to esoteric knowledge and due to the popularization of self-help books and programs, working with the Law of Attraction is no longer a secret.
In your daily conversations you may have been accustomed to hear sometimes repeated the maxim: "Birds of a feather flock together." The commonness of this proverb proves beyond any doubt that even the most ordinary people had an intuition about the secrets of the Law of Attraction.
The Law of Attraction is a law of the mind and is set into motion by the quality of thoughts and emotions you invest in the most part of your time. A serious and conscious investment in a positive mental attitude (PMA) will more likely be the first step you can take in bringing forth into your life the abundance, well-being and happiness the existence of the Law of Attraction has to offer.
As the great writer Napoleon Hill repeatedly stated in his book, "Think and Grow Rich", every person born on this planet is endowed by the Creator with control over just one thing, the mental attitude, because this divine prerogative is sufficient enough to produce any change you desire in your life and allow you to control not only your interior processes, but also the events and circumstances that happen to you in the outside world.
Does this mean that I can get whatever I want instantly and that every thought that passes randomly through my mind has the power to manifest itself in the outer world? No, thank heavens, of course not!
A safe rule advertised by the most skillful practitioners of the Law of Attraction and wisest to consider is that only deeply embedded, highly emotional thoughts accepted by the subconscious mind will be finally brought to life as the material expressions of this law of the spirit. Highly emotional thoughts are thoughts you mix with feelings or emotions which, in their turn, can be either negative, as hate, envy, lust, revenge or positive, such as love, faith or desire.
Mastering the Law of Attraction is an art of consciously living. As with any other human skill, working with the Law of Attraction and learning how to use it to your fair advantage requires continuous and, depending upon your motives and willingness to learn it, a serious period of apprenticeship.
After years of searching for the key to success that would enable anyone to live a prosperous life full of meaning, purpose and real achievement through self-reliance and the power of the mind,

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